
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Prayerful heart

It has been a while since I prayed like I did last night.

It is one of those moments where I felt referesh after praying.

Perhaps it is because of the busy-ness of going back to my routine back, I hadn't spend as much quiet time.

The quiet times are those I enjoy.  Especially when I am training.  Out on the road.  Even in the cold, the wind and in the snow.

Though my body is here, my mind and heart is in the other side of the world.  The faces.  The joy.  The heat.  Not sure what to say or how to describe it. 

A friend asked me earlier the week to name one thing I learnt from this trip.  No clue. I just mumble something. I am slow to process.  In my heart, I wanted to say I learnt everything.

I need to pray more and seek.... taken at an orphanage in Cambodia.

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