
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gospel Living: From program to lifestyle

Yesterday before service, I was sharing at praying room that I am trying to train people to be not just good at event planning or doing. But rather to be living the gospel as a lifestyle.

I don't think I say all that as I often rumble and say a few things and miss a few things.

My church is having a Christmas Luncheon this Sat. I was wondering if the people that coming to help out, am I training them to be discipler of Christ? Or am I merely training them to be good at churning out programs?

For example, we needed people who serves for this event. Am I training these people to be efficient at serving? Or am I training them through serving as a way to learn the humility of Christ??? Or better yet to embody Christ by living a lifestyle where they serve others?

I don't think I figure this out yet. Though I am leaning more on training them to be disciplers...not merely program workers.

All for the Kingdom of God.

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