
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thoughts on community

A email to a friend...

On the drive this morning, I was thinking about your email a bit more. I was thinking about this lately. Church is more than just wed or thurs and Sun. I think fundamentally we know the church is more than just the buidling. Sometimes, I notice some of my action show otherwise.

I was sharing with a friend last night how sometimes we have the intention on building a community but we just don't get it right. I don't doubt everyone wants and have a desire need for community. I mean if someone doesn't, that's easy solution, they don't have to be part of the community.

What I notice is that at times, the aspect of 'community building' is simly spending time with each other. If you think about it, it is not that hard. It is simply getting to know each other, and living lives with each other (Acts 2). On the flip side, I can say it is very hard. Why? B/c it requires genuine commitment (i mean, time, resources, life commitment). You can't fake it. I don't think you can even force it.

And in this culture, we have many choices. I have my other church friends. I have my university friends. I have my triathlon crew. I can build community through those areas (note: this is not to say that I dont' reach out to these areas of influence).

If the church is MY community, then I should be involve in it. And if church is a group of people and not the building, shouldn't I invest in others?

It is very easy to simply hide in other areas of my life. I mean if someone I don't like at problem..i will just spend more time with my university friends.

Woah.this is like some deep thought huh? Ha, not really.

Jesus's Great Commission summarize this in one little statement...

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

All what I wrote Jesus kept it simple and clear.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Great post, Cliff...too often we think church is just on Sundays, and the "mission field" is somewhere overseas. As you've said, church is a body of believers, not a building...and our mission field is all around us.