"He is showing us the plan for a Christian church that is much more than an association of congenial friends to listen once a week to an intellectual discourse and musical entertainment and carry on by proxy a mechanism of Christian work; but rather a church that can be at once the mother and home of every form of help and blessing which Jesus came to give to lost and suffering men, the birthplace and the home of souls, the fountain of healing and cleansing, the sheltering home for the orphan and distressed, the school for the culture and training of God's children, the armory where they are equipped for the battle of the Lord and the army which fights those battles in His name. Such a center of population in this sad and sinful world!"
A. B Simpson, A Larger Christian Life p. 153.
This is taken from A. B. Simpson, the founder of my denomination, The Christian & Missionary Alliance.
I am so thankful for someone put what the church should be in words many years ago. I read this few years ago. Now coming back, where I am standing right now and where I am being led, this quote just make sense!
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