
Friday, March 26, 2010


Fairchild TV is a Chinese TV station in Canada. On Saturday, they are doing a story on me, my liver transplant at Sick Kids and my triathlon and 'athletic' achievements. I use the term athletic loosely as after all the triathlons I completed, I still do not consider myself as an athlete.

For the coming interview, they asked me to invite my friends and my family to come and share my story and my experience.

Coincidentally during this week at work, my coworker told a new coworker that I had a liver transplant and how I am very healthy and active. Naturally I started to share about my past and how it is a miracle that I am alive today.

Heh. It is funny how I often forget. Last month when I taught the Sunday School about how the people in Exodus keep forgetting what God had done for them, that's like me.

Tonight I am looking through the photos to print out for Saturday. As I looked at the races I done. From my first triathlon, to an Ironman, to Transplant Games, I can't stop to realize that wasn't that far ago. It felt very distance away.

At the same time, I pause as to see where God had took me from a few years ago.

When I was in highschool, there were nights when I lie in my bed, telling myself I had to be successful in life. Then at University, the desired to become financially independent was enslaving. Friendships were broken for the sake of a dollar. Right after I graduated and right before I started coming to Church, I wrote a list of things I must accomplish. And guess what, they all revolve around making money and making riches. To support family and be financially independent.

Now in a short five years, that list which compel me to go, no longer dimmed attractive. By God's Grace, I am freed from the slave of worldly wealth. I caught a glimpse of a treasure that is worth more than anything I own or ever will own. Nor can I afford it. Yet it was bestow upon me without a price, yet at the same time with such an immense cost.

And if there is anything, I can testify that God do indeed have the power to change heart. He did it to me. Hehe..without my approval or my awareness.

Tonight, I was at Open Door sorting clothes before heading to fellowship. And as I walked by Open Door where they served dinner to the needy on every Thursday, I was greeted by a familiar face. She and her family were regulars. She remembered when me and my fellowship played bingos with the group last year gave everyone presents.

And this is what I cherish now. The longing of a kingdom that this world desperately needs but does not realize nor care. A kingdom fill with grace, mercy and compassion. A kingdom that is so radical that it welcomes the unrighteous and the 'righteous'. A kingdom that breaks the grip of this world not by power or might, but by humility and gentleness.

I said it before and I say it now, I never consider what I did as something great. Nor can I take credit for what's happening in my life. I am nothing more than an observer of a great One who is working through me. I am just a messenger of the One who came 2000 years ago and will be coming. I am nothing more than passerby in this land. A sojourner. An exile. And someday I will go back to my true home.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:45-46


victoria said...

Ooo... Cliff the celebrity! ;o) It's a shame I don't have FairChild - I'm not Chinese enough. :oP

Amen to God's change in you through all your life experiences! Our God is amazing! :oD

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