
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sharing the Gospel in the Gay Village

Picked this up from It is his pastor friend sharing how he is sharing the Gospel in Toronto's gay community.

He ended with:

I do all this because I love the LGBT community. They are a community comprised of individual eternal souls. Sadly, they are culture that has almost no contact with biblical Christianity in any form. How many drag queens can count a born again Christian amongst their friends? Very few, to our shame.

To our shame indeed.

I know for me, it is often easy to be pious and have a high chin that i am better than anyone (especially those who ain't Christian). It is a humble reflection that we are all sinners and only through Jesus dying on the cross that we have salvation...

1 comment:

eleasa said...

thanks for sharing this. i'm veryvery interested, especially reading the comments from #32 onwards, from the perspective of someone who identifies as a homosexual & the people who respond to his comment.

by the way, is the urban STM going with Project417? anyhow, check them out: