
Thursday, January 29, 2009

A small view of radicalness and community living

There was a snow storm in Mississauga the whole day yesterday. It wasn't a storm. But a lot of snow fell during the day.

By the time I got home, the driveway had about half a foot of the fluffy stuff. I tried to get on the driveway and got stuck half way. I asked my mom to go home first. Backed the car on the road and started to plow my driveway.

And my neighbor were also starting to clear her driveway.

I finished plowing my driveway rather quickly. Then I helped my neighbor with hers. We exchanged a brief conversation. She was sick.

I lived in a townhouse. Our driveway were attached to each other. Together, we helped clear up another neighbor's driveway.

Reflecting on Acts 2:44-45:

All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.

I wonder if someone, some church, some community out there are doing this. I thought it would be pretty radical if a fellowship of believers come together with all the money they make. Then each bring the bills they have. And the money is distribute among to those who are in need.

Michael Frost talked the meaning of a missional church at 2007 Presbyterian Global Fellowship Conference in Houston, Texas. A youtube video is available here. He was talking about community and he used the Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21). Those who were hearing these parable will understand that the foolishness lies not in storing the richness. But rather lies in the fact that the fool thought of himself first instead of the community.

In the days of the parable, the fool should have gone to the elders of the community and asked them for advice on the abundance of crop he received.

I wonder, what if a Christian brother or sister got a raise at work, then went to elder or a church leader and asked for advice. That's pretty radical. That's community living. That goes against culture....

By spending 15 more minutes outside, I cleared my neighbours' driveways. I wished my neighbour well and head back to my house.

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