
Monday, December 1, 2008

How come...

how come when I am out, I feel like I rather have my quiet time.

How come when I have the quiet time, I feel like socializing?

How come I check Facebook 10-20 times a day? Or religiously check Gmail whenever I get a chance?

Or have the urge to reply to every email and give people my thoughts and opinions on everything?


Yesterday I submitted my paper. I did one last read before I handed it in. After Wednesday, I actually stopped thinking about it. I gave to my friend to have it proof read. When I got it back, I took my time to re-read again.

Compare to my previous paper done in University, this one I really took my time and letting the ideas brew. Looking over it one last time and given some time off from the paper, I could see how my ideas are formed and flow from one point to the next.

I can say there is a lot more I need to work on. A lot of I don't know what I don't know. I can say and hope to see the prof marked me areas which my argument is weak or not concise. I am pretty sure I have a few grammar mistakes here and there (though I hope they are minor).

So my course is done.

I definitely need some quiet time tonight. Just me and God. As much as I am tempted to spend more time on msn or gmail chat. I know pursuing those things when I need quiet time I will end up tired and thirsty.

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