
Friday, June 13, 2008

What drives you?

A friend sent me this email:

Hey guys!

You may recall my mentioning that I listen to audiobooks on my commute every day. I've been re-listening to an Anthony Robbins program that I've got, and this morning's CD began with the topic of "what do you value most?" in terms of motivating values.

How would you rank these in terms of importance, motivating ability, and emotional value to you?

- Success
- Adventure
- Outrageousness
- Love
- Comfort
- Security

My response:

I have to start from the lowest to the highest (process of elimination)

I would say financial security and physical comfort is the lowest for me.
Success, not in monetary but being joyful in what I am doing. Whether it might be painful along the way.

If you think of a life without physical comfort and financial stable, then it will be a life of adventure and outrageousness.

Then the ultimate is love. Love to serve others at cost of oneself.

So in my book,

1. Love
2. Adventure and outrageousness
3. Success
4. Security and comfort

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