
Monday, June 2, 2008

Storm's a brewing

Yesterday I went for a long bike ride. In my opinion, it wasn't that long. It was three hour.

When you rode for 6-7 hours, 3 hr seems like a warm up.

As I was riding, the sky changed. From blue skies to greyish cover.

It started right after I finished doing my hill repeats.

A few drops here.
A few drops there.

Then I was starting to get wet. Pool of water started to form in the road.

To prevent splashes, I scoured quickly to look for the driest path. My bike zip along back and fourth across the road. Good thing there was no car.

Despite the rain, I stopped for a second to finish eating my Clif Bar. It was the chocolate fudge almond favor. Of all the flavors, this one I like the most.

And here I am. Standing in the middle of the road. In the rain. It kept coming.

The sunscreen I put on create streams of white little droplets on my arms.
Water are flowing around my face. I wiped them with my hands.
As I look up, I can see the rain coming down.

I looked across the field. Birds were chirping were silent. Bugs and gnats that hovered in the sky are no longer to be seen.

Except for the serene sound of water splashing down on the ground, it was quiet.

Then out of nowhere, I hear lightning cracks around me. I wasn't startled. But there was a concern.

What if it strike me? I am all wet and my bike is made out metal. I am a perfect conductor. Has there any cyclist ever get struck by lightning? What if it struck beside me? Would the shock killed me?

So I figured it was time to go home.

I rode back home like I was riding away from the storm. Actually I was riding through the storm.

You know it was a wet ride when your shoes start to fill up with water. My bike shoes are very well ventilated. Still, it felt like a pool of water in my feet.

As I was riding back, I prayed to God to grant me a safe passage back home. After a few bike accidents where I torn my shoulder or loose a few teeth, riding can be a dangerous hobby.

How often do I go through the storms of life and ask God to protect me? Do I simply just use my own strength? Or do I have faith in Him?

By the time I rode back home, the storm had subsided. I was safe and had a good bike ride. Praise the Lord.

There is a storm brewing up in my life. My sky is getting cloudier. And I can feel the drops. Let's see if I have the same faith as I had on my bike ride.

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